
Python SEO Tools is a collection of free to use Python scripts which help with small or one-off SEO Tasks.

The aim is to showcase some of the cool stuff Python can do, as well as to showcase how the language can be used to build fully-fledged websites in addition to the powerful "local" scripting it's famous for.

Mid to long-term the plan is to fully publish the source code for these scripts, but for now we've listed the core modules used which power each tool.

The scripts which power the tools are all fairly *basic*, with the real fun challenge being setting up the environment for them to run with a web interface.

Hopefully the site will inspire others who are getting into Python and you never know, maybe some of the SEO tools might be useful tool...


Who Made Python SEO Tools?

Python Seo Tools was made by Nick Samuel with lots of help from his brother, Bill. There's not a massive back story or anything to Python SEO Tools.

I had a few ideas for tools to help with my day job and started getting into scripting - mostly with Python.

Eventually I got bored of running my "shitty" scripts locally and wanted a way to run them in a web browser instead.


Privacy Policy

None of this data used for the tools is stored or recorded in any accessible manner, and even if it was we have zero interest in logging it etc.

Appreciate you'd have to take my word for this and trust, so here's a more formal privacy policy.


Tech Stack

Python SEO Tools uses the following language..

  • Python3 - I mean obviously we use Python, but yeah 3 just to be clear. When building a few of these we encountered some Python2 code but was able to adapt it. Joking aside, you do need to look out for this when researching modules, reusing others code examples and Stack Overflow etc.
  • Django - This is a Python framework which helps add a lot of functionality to the language, taking it from a basic scripting language into a CMS with several reusable components and methods for working with databases.
  • Nginx - HTTP server alternative to apache; I've never had too much issues with Apache for personal and small sites but thought it would be fun to learn this for a change. Supposedly it plays slightly better with Python but at the scale of these Scripts, I doubt it makes any difference.
  • Gunicorn - Stands for Green Unicorn; this isn't super important to know but at a very basic level allows sites to make requests or to share variables to web servers or frameworks in this case; Python. So think a HTML input needs to be sent to the server, to then be run as part of the script; this allows the two to talk.
  • Digital Ocean - We explored hosting this on Heroku or one of those Python hosting IDE types services but found them harder to deploy due to the various random-ass dependencies a lot of our hacky scripts have. Not saying anything else is better but just familiar with DO so makes sense to keep using it!
  • Cloudflare - This doesn't add much functionality to the Python components, but is a pretty much default layer I add to any website I run. It's a CDN with tons of Enterprise level features completely free.